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First Training Recap

Here is a quick reference on everything we went over in the first training

Nick Taylor avatar
Written by Nick Taylor
Updated over a year ago

This is an index for everything you should have gone over in MoveitPro on your first training. You can book mark this page if you ever need to refer back to this. This website is also our totally tubular Help Desk which you can look up additional articles if you ever need to learn about anything or just need a refresher.


The Dashboard is your main page this will show you company statistics and personal statistics. this will also go over notifications and the shortcuts.

Creating an Estimate

There are six steps to creating an estimate. These articles here will help you in making the estimate.

Step 1: The Move info is where you will enter addresses any extra stops and calculate your route

Step 2: The Inventory tab, this is where you will add all the items you will be moving for the customer. we have two different types of inventory "itemized" and "Percentage"

Step 3: The material tab this is where you can edit and alter the packing materials you will be selling, renting or using in the move you are booking

Step 4:The Pack labor is basically who and how are you charging for the packing

Step 5: The storage so if you're including storage in your estimate this is where you will add it

Currently we are still developing step 5 as this is a new feature for our software we still have other places you can add storage if you'd like to learn.

Step 6: The Quote is where you can do an overview of the estimate and get the pricing for the estimate.

Booking an estimate

Once you have everything Settled and ready to book the Job you can create a new event and put it on the calendar and don't forget to assign it to a truck or move pool

Dispatch Page

The Dispatch Page is where you will see your schedule for the day Moves, Surveys and any day notes you may have. This is also where you can assign your crew and trucks!

Multiday Move

If you need to break up that big job in multiple days here is how you would do that.

Now don't forget the homework your trainer assigned you and make around 3-5 estimates to see if your prices are coming out right. Please make sure if your merchant has an account that we can get those logins and that we got your email header so we can send out your emails.

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