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Multi-day Moves [Two Invoices - individual days
Multi-day Moves [Two Invoices - individual days

Multi-day Moves

Nick Taylor avatar
Written by Nick Taylor
Updated over a week ago

When you book any multi-day move you'll need to book the first day of the move, (see article for booking a job; either fleet or crew schedule), and then you'll be able to use the Copy Estimate button. This is also available in general after 'Saving' the estimate. (If you like to use one invoice for both days, please see the One Invoice article for multi-day, with the button below)

The first thing you'll do is click back on the booked job. Once it's on your dispatching page, as shown below click on the name of the customer as shown by the arrow.

Once you are on the estimate page, you are going to click copy estimate. Black Box

Once it loads it will bring you back to the estimate process. Everything here is EXACTLY the same. (If no changes are needed proceed to step 6) and begin the booking process for the second day.

Once you book the job, It will look like this depending on how far apart the jobs are booked. You now have a multi-day job booked with separate estimates.

"The image below is of two separate estimates booked on the same day"

The only thing that you will need to do now is Close Out Each Day after the move is complete. Just as if they were all individual moves like you would for any other job.

Please See The Article For Closing Out Jobs with the button below.

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