When you're preparing to book a multi-day move, and you would like to have each day have its own BOL/Invoice, you'll first need to save the estimate for the initial day of the move. Once you have, you'll be able to use the Copy Estimate button to generate the estimate for the subsequent days. This can also be done after scheduling the first day. (If you like to use one invoice for the whole move, see the article below.)
Once you've saved the estimate for the first day of the job, you'll see an estimate page similar to the own pictured below.
Clicking the highlighted button "Copy Estimate" will generate an exact copy of the estimate in question, making it easier to schedule multiple days by bypassing the need to put everything in again. You are still able to make changes to that copy, if necessary, to represent differences in each day.
After clicking on "Copy Estimate" it'll take you to Step 1 on the estimate, similar to the picture below:
From here, you'll be able to skip to Step 6, if you're not going to make any changes, or proceed between each step, if you are going to make any adjustments. Whether or not you do, you'd schedule the 2nd (and any subsequent estimates) the same way as you would for the first day.
If the move has already been scheduled, then you can access the Copy Estimate button by clicking on the scheduled time bar for the job. When you click on the text on the bar, it'll take you to Step 6 of the Estimate, where you'll be able do the steps listed above.
When scheduling the extra estimates for the move, you can select the other days involved in the move from the Booked Jobs Calendar and assign the trucks and crew separately, in case the crew size may differ in between each date.
For each part of the job, you would be able to fill out a BOL for each day, and either invoice each day individually, or all at once at the end of the final day of the job, at your discretion.
If you need a refresher on how to close out a job, you're welcome to reference the article linked below.