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Moving Hours and Crew Size Calculation
Moving Hours and Crew Size Calculation

How Man Hour Calculations, Inventory, and Square Footages combine to create your estimate's Moving Hours and Crew Size.

Nick Taylor avatar
Written by Nick Taylor
Updated over a week ago

So you've created an estimate and curious how MoveitPro calculates the Crew Size and Move Time? You've come to the right place!

Itemized Inventory

Moving Hours and Crew Size are both directly related to the Move Time inputted for each Inventory Item. By going to Manage > Estimate Settings > Inventory, you can see on each inventory item, along with the CuFt and Weight, there is a field for Moving Time.

This Moving Time value is the amount of time it takes one mover to move that item from the origin to the truck and then from the truck to the destination.

So in this example, the Sofa/Couch (Purple) is listed as close to 19 minutes. That means it will take our one mover about 19 minutes to move that Sofa from the Origin Address to the truck and then from the truck to the Destination Address.

When adding itemized Inventory to the estimate in Tab 2, the system will take the Moving Time of each item and add it together. That total is then translated into crew size by the parameters set in the Man Hour Calculations which can be found at Manage > Estimate Settings > Man Hour Calculations, as shown below.

Using these Man Hour Calculations (Note: The above settings are found in our internal system, so this information may differ for your company), if the total Moving Time of all inventory items is between 0-10 hours, that job will have a crew size of 2.

However, this doesn't mean that the Moving Hours listed on Tab 6 will equal the total time of all inventory items because we now have a crew size of 2. That couch that took 19 minutes for one mover, now has two movers, so the Moving Hours will be 9 minutes. (Shown Below in Red)

When additional inventory is added, the same formula will apply. In this example, the inventory Moving Time went over 10 hours. In our above Man Hour Calculations, we can see that a move of that size is going to suggest a crew size of 3. When we have 3 movers, those Moving Hours are then reduced to 4 (Shown Below in Blue).

Percentage Inventory

The process is similar for Percentage-Based Inventory, the main difference, of course, being the method of calculation. This version of the inventory process uses the Square Footages tab under Estimate Settings as the basis for its method of calculation.

Navigating to Manage > Estimate Settings > Square Footages will display a page similar to the one shown below.

Here is where you can set the range of square feet, the minutes taken to move each room for that range, as well as the standard cubic feet and weight (in pounds) that you would expect for a room in that range.

Based on these settings, how many rooms you set on Step 2, as well as the percentage that they're full, it will calculate the man hours and give you the number of men and trucks needed to fulfill the job.

When you're using Percentage Inventory on Step 2, it'll look like this:

To have the system calculate the man hours, you would update the rooms list by clicking "Add a Room" and adjust the percentage full the room is - from 10% full at the lowest to 200% full at the highest. (What you set for the cubic footage, and weight per room is what the system will use a baseline for 100% full) Example shown below:

In addition to the rooms, adding Oversized Items will affect the hours calculation for the move.

Just like with Itemized Inventory, once the move meets the threshold for the different man hours set under Manage > Estimate Settings > Man Hour Calculations, it'll automatically calculate the appropriate crew size.

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