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Leads Overview
Samantha Meyers avatar
Written by Samantha Meyers
Updated over 2 months ago

When an estimate is not started or is not 100% complete, the estimate will show up every few hours, (or however many minutes your company decides upon) in the Leads Automation settings.

As you can see above to the right of Leads it shows how many follow ups are (pictured it shows 4) currently pending and needing to be contacted to give an estimate to.

Once you have opened your "Leads" tab, you will be presented with a list of customers who need to be contacted to give an estimate or finish their estimate. Click on a customer's name to open up his/ her estimate, which will also have their contact information.

After opening the customer's estimate, attempting to contact him/ her, and creating a new event, the customer will be removed from leads. If the estimate is still incomplete, the leads follow-up cycle starts over again.

•(RED)- Customer name, who they were referred by, estimate date, move date, L.C., Sales Rep, and Lead Status

•(BLUE)- Search by employees drop down bar, pick which employees lead you would like to find. 

•(PURPLE)- Search by choice of branch

•(GREEN)- Search by name.

You may organize your leads by changing their status when creating new events. As leads come in, they will have the "New Leads" status by default. After a user attempts to reach a lead for the first time, the status of that lead will change to "No Status". Leads will remain as "No Status" until a user changes the status.

•(RED)- Lead status box. Change status of leads via this dropdown.

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