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Booked By Customer
Kayla Bergenske avatar
Written by Kayla Bergenske
Updated over a week ago

To get to the "Booked By Customer" Reports Tab you will follow the Tabs below:
Reports--->Booked--->Booked By Customer  (refer to the image below)

Once you select the "Booked By Customer" option you will see the screen below:

  • (RED): The area in red is where you will enter in the Date Ranges for the report you are generating.

  • (ORANGE): You can use this drop down menu to select the different Branches of your Company. (if applicable)

  • (YELLOW): "By move date" gives you the option for you to only look it up by exact move date.

  • (BROWN): Payment info gives you the option to see the payment info from this window.

  • (GREEN): Once you've selected your Date Ranges you will click the "View" Button.

  • (LIGHT BLUE): This button gives you the option to export to a PDF File.

  • (PURPLE): This button gives you the option to export to a CSV File.

  • (PINK): Highlighted in Pink is the breakdown of the jobs on the report being generated.

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