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June 2017 Updates and Bug Fixes
June 2017 Updates and Bug Fixes
Samantha Meyers avatar
Written by Samantha Meyers
Updated over a year ago

Updates / New Features

  1. Made Invoice number a link now to customers digital invoice / BOL on the Moves tab within a customers profile.

  2. Made Invoice number a link now to customers digital invoice / BOL on the close out jobs page at the top right.

  3. Added the ability to have a disclaimer and esign requirement for your customers when viewing their estimate in the customer portal. This now allows you to get the customers signature before even booking the job.

  4. When doing an estimate on page 1 Move Info we added two new fields. One for "Complex or Neighborhood Name" and another for "Apt / Suite".

  5. Added the ability to charge a flat percentage rate for fuel based on what the job is estimated at.

  6. We added the option for "double drive time" which is a requirement in States like California.

  7. In the customer portal we changed the button for "Book Move" to "Request Move Date" to help with customer confusion.

  8. Some companies do not want their customers to see any details like SqFt, Weight, CuFt, and Miles so we added a setting to be able to remove that.

  9. In the Digital Invoice / B.O.L. we now have an option in the top navigation for "Photos". This will now allow your crew members to take pictures of anything they need while out at a customers location such as claims, existing damage, etc.

  10. We added a "Clear All" button on the inventory page of the estimate for your employees to be able to clear all inventory if needed.

  11. On the Digital Invoice / B.O.L. added a new function that if your crewmen click on "Packing Materials" it will open up a popup to mark what materials they used and the quantity which then carries over all the totals to the Invoice to charge the customer.

  12. We added CuFt on the estimate on the page 2 "Inventory" page to the left of the existing weight that was already there.

Bug Fixes

  1. Guaranteed quotes were showing estimated hours for the customer to see. This is fixed.

  2. In some instances when a employee would try and merge two prospects or customers it was not working properly. This is fixed.

  3. When setting up terms and conditions for estimates it used to group them all together even if you had line breaks. This is fixed.

  4. When employees would edit or copy an estimate it would create new default estimate notes which would now make duplicates of the notes for the new estimate. This is fixed. 

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