Sent Emails
Kayla Bergenske avatar
Written by Kayla Bergenske
Updated over a week ago

In your system you will have the ability to view your "Sent Emails Report".
This report will show by date what Automated Emails were sent out that day.

Once you select "Sent Emails" from the "Reports" Tab, you will be brought to the screen below:

  • (RED) - Select Date: date of the emails you wish to generate a report for. This defaults to today's date automatically.

  • (ORANGE) - View: displays the report on your page in MoveitPro

  • (YELLOW) - Export to PDF/CSV: Exports the report to pdf or csv for your records

  • (GREEN) - Select Labors: Filters the report based on the employee who sent it

  • (BLUE) - Sent Emails Report: what emails were sent out that day, the sender, the customer it was sent to, the subject, how many times the email was opened, and how many times it was clicked on

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