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In-Active Customers
Kayla Bergenske avatar
Written by Kayla Bergenske
Updated over a week ago

In MoveitPro "In-Active Customers" are customers that have either had a move scheduled in the past and has already been completed or had a job scheduled and it cancelled. The In-Active customer list will show all customers that have no future jobs scheduled with your company.

To find the "In-Active" customers go to "CLIENTS > CUSTOMERS > IN-ACTIVE" as seen in the screenshot and it will display a list of those customers.

  • Name (RED): Customer personal name or company name

  • Referred by (ORANGE): How the customer said they found you

  • Rep (YELLOW): The rep from your company that originally spoke with the customer

  • Status (GREEN): All will be in-active on this list meaning they have no future jobs scheduled

  • N.C. (PURPLE): Next contact date and initials of the employee with that task assigned 

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