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Rescheduling a Job
Kayla Bergenske avatar
Written by Kayla Bergenske
Updated over a week ago

When a customer calls to re-schedule their move, you have two areas you can go to for this...


Open the customer's estimate and create a "New Event".

When the "New Event" box appears, notate that you are rescheduling the job in the "comments" area and click "Change Date" (YELLOW).

You will then be taken to your scheduling calendar. Select the date the customer's requests to re-schedule to (if it is available). Your "Daily/ Dispatch Schedule" will open with the date selected and you should now see your customer listed under that date as opposed to the original date that the move was scheduled for.


IF USING FLEET SCHEDULE: You can also re-schedule a customer's move from the "Daily/ Dispatch Schedule".

Simply click the little white circle that is located within the time block.

 By clicking this box, you will open up the confirmation window. Scroll to the bottom of this window and click "Re-schedule Job" (YELLOW). Once your scheduling calendar pulls up, follow the same steps as mentioned above.

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