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Editing & Copying Estimates
Editing an Estimate (Keep on Schedule)
Editing an Estimate (Keep on Schedule)

making changes to an estimate

Corey Powser avatar
Written by Corey Powser
Updated over a week ago

The functionality for editing estimates has been changed. Editing will no longer automatically remove a booked Job from the schedule. You will have the option to remove the job from the schedule or keep it on the schedule.

"Remove From The Schedule" (RED) - This will allow you to edit the estimate and remove it from the schedule. This requires the estimate to be manually rebooked. Click the link below for a refresher on editing an estimate and removing it from the schedule.

"Keep On The Schedule" (GREEN) - This allows you to change pricing, men, trucks, add inventory, and make any other changes to the estimate you may need. The job will stay on the schedule and no new emails will be resent to the customer. After selecting this option, you will have the opportunity to recalculate the price.

Selecting "Yes" will allow you to update the price of a booked job based on the information you are inputting.

Selecting "No" will keep the existing price of the booked job but allow you to update any other information.

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