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August 2020 Updates and Bug Fixes
August 2020 Updates and Bug Fixes
Nick Taylor avatar
Written by Nick Taylor
Updated over a year ago


1. Follow Up Time Management: Follow-Ups are now able to populate on an hourly basis. You can activate this setting in Manage > Admin > Settings > Estimates > Follow-up Automation. There, you can set Follow up Type to Days or Hours as needed.

2. Tariff Settings: A new settings page has been created for tariffs. This is similar to the Guaranteed Quote Service Defaults. On this page, you can add default notes for Tariff based estimates. You can adjust this setting in Manage > Admin > Settings > Estimates > Estimate Settings.

3. New Type of Service: You will now have the option for "Interstate/NVL" as a Type of Service on Tab 1 of all estimates.

4. Calendar Month View: The Monthly Calendar View now shows how many men and trucks are needed for each day. This will also show the number of manual jobs on the schedule for each day.

Hovering over the day shows you the number of Manual Jobs and the Number of Estimated Jobs (GREEN).

The updated daily view shows the total number of Jobs (Manual and Estimated), The total number of trucks dispatching, and the total number of men needed for the day (RED).

Bug Fixes:

  1. Batch Time Adjustment in Inventory not applying immediately. This has been fixed.

  2. Detailed Storage Report not generating. This is fixed and working accordingly.

  3. Unable to enlarge inventory photos. This has been fixed.

  4. Cancelled Job email not triggering. This has been fixed.

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