Automated Crew Confirmations

SMS scheduling for your Crew

Corey Powser avatar
Written by Corey Powser
Updated over a week ago

In order to use the Automated Crew Confirmations feature you must have SMS active in your system. This feature allows you to send text messages to crew members for potential jobs. Replying to the text will make them schedulable.

First, you will need to turn on Automated Crew Confirmations in your Identity. This can be found in Manage > Admin > Corporate > Identity

In this section, you will turn on Automated Crew Confirmations. Make sure to hit Update when you are done.

This will create a new option under your Schedules tab called Crew Confirmations

Below is what the new scheduling section looks like

  1. Date Range (RED): Date Range must be entered here to show scheduling options

  2. Branches (ORANGE): Select the Branch that you would like to assign workers

  3. View (YELLOW): Shows the schedule based on the date range entered. You MUST click view to see the schedule.

  4. New Assignment (BLUE): Allows you to create a new assignment and send a message to one or more employees.

  5. Sent Assignments (PURPLE): Displays all assignments sent to the crew members.

  6. Status (PINK): Shows whether or not the assignment has been confirmed. You have the ability to edit the status here as well by clicking "edit"

Clicking the blue New Assignment button will generate the SMS messages for your crew

1. Select Company Branch (RED): select the branch to schedule

2. Select Employees (ORANGE): select one or more employees to be scheduled

3. Work Date (YELLOW): Date of the job

4. Time (GREEN): Time you would like the crew to be at the warehouse

5. Expires at (BLUE): The time by which crew members have to respond to the scheduling request

Below is a sample of the text crew members receive and how they respond

Replying with "ACCEPT" and the date will enable the crew member to be scheduled and change their status on the Crew Confirmation schedule to "accepted". Replying with "DECLINE" and the date will prevent the crew member from being able to be scheduled and change their status to "declined".

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