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Reviews by Customer

Where to read the reviews your customers have given your company

Kayla Bergenske avatar
Written by Kayla Bergenske
Updated over a week ago

To read the reviews your customers have given your company/employees, you will first want to go to:

Reports (RED) > Reviews by Customer (ORANGE)

Date Range Selection (Blue Boxes): Select a date range for the report to pull reviews

Branch(es) Selection (Brown Box): Drop down bar where you will be able to choose which branch or branches you are wanting to view the reports for

Date Column (Green Box): shows the date that the customer left the review on

Source Column (Purple Box): There are two different sources where the reviews can be pulled from. The reviews can come straight from the Bill of Lading. It gives the customer the ability to rate and leave feedback when the movers submit the job. The second option is the reviews come from the Review Portal. The Review Portal is one of the completed job emails that get sent out when the job is closed out. When the customer receives this email it will direct them to the review portal to leave 1-5 stars. 

Customer Name Column (Yellow Box): name of the customer who left the review 

Rating Column (Pink Box): This is the number of stars that the customer gave 

Review Column (Dark Red): This column is for the written review that the customer has left you, if the customer reviewed you from the review portal and left 4 or 5 stars it will not populate a written review into the system as it requests them to leave the review outside of MoveitPro. If the customer leaves a 1-3 star review it will allow them to enter in what can be done better and this is the information that will populate here. If the customer reviewed from the Digital Bill of Lading, it will show any written review they left along with the stars no matter the number of stars rated.

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