First thing you'll need to do is pull up the Storage Settings which will be under the Manage Tab on the left side of your screen.
Manage > Storage
To add a new storage facility, click "New Facility" in the top right-hand corner of the page. You may add multiple facilities.
Clicking "New Facility" will bring you to the following page
(Only a name is required to move forward, but the more information, the better!)
Remember to hit "Save" when you're done! This will bring you back to the storage page. Click on the facility you just created to add Units.
Once inside select the Units tab to add units and dimensions as seen below. Each unit will be added with the "New Unit" button on the top right-hand corner.
Enter each Unit/Vault/Shelf Type with its dimensions and location in your facility.
Unit Name (RED) - type of vault/unit
Dimensions (ORANGE) - dimensions of the area/space in feet
Location (YELLOW) - where unit is located in warehouse
Price (GREEN) - how much per shelf or crate
Quantity (BLUE) - how many available for use
Save (PURPLE) - make sure to save when you're done!
After Facility and Units are setup, Storage will be available to customers along with Auto-Pay for monthly charges.
[See article for Adding Customer Storage & Setting Up Storage Auto-Pay]