We have added the option for customers to pay deposits from the customer portal now for moves if you have deposits and your merchant setup in MoveitPro.
We have added an alternative template for tariffs to allow a flat price by mileage and weight instead of only in 100lbs increments.
We have created a new email object for "Confirmation of Survey" which will be sent to the customer upon scheduling an onsite.
We changed the max time to pull payroll reports to 60 days instead of 30 days.
Bug Fixes
Some instances when updating an address from the confirmation popup on the dispatch page it would not carry over the extra stop address. This is fixed.
Payment notification emails were showing NaN in the last 4 of the credit card field that customer would receive instead of it showing the proper last 4. This is fixed.
For certain companies followups that would be set for followup override they would not show at the proper time as specified by the user. This is fixed.