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April 2018 Updates and Bug Fixes
April 2018 Updates and Bug Fixes

MoveitPro April 1, 2018 Updates and New Features

Kayla Bergenske avatar
Written by Kayla Bergenske
Updated over a year ago

Updates / New Features

  1. We have done a full revamp of our optimization of speed and in the last week have reduced our server loads by 1/2 and have doubled the speed resulting in a 44% across the board reduction in load times for all pages. Our average page loads for all pages now is right at 3 seconds max with many in the 2 second range.

  2. We added a new function for the way fuel charge / mileage can be calculated. It is called "Progressive Pricing". Where you can set different mileage Minimum and Maximum range and it will charge a certain defined amount per mile for that range.

  3. We reduced the refresh rate of the counter for "Leads and Followups" in the navigation. It is now at a refresh rate of every 5 minutes for the counter to update. We will be reducing more once we see how reducing it from 10 minutes to 5 minutes effects resources.

  4. We created a new email object for "Job Reschedule" that can go out whenever you reschedule a job. If you would like this setup let us know and we can help you do it.

  5. We added a area in identity to insert in google analytics code to be able to track conversions for your adwords campaigns. The code you insert here will show up on the 2nd page of the iframe estimate that goes on your website so as soon as they finish the first page of estimate it will count in your adwords as a conversion.

  6. We have added the ability to sort all columns on the followups page to better filter through your followups.

  7. We created a new report csv export under "REPORTS > ESTIMATES > ESTIMATES BY CUSTOMER" from here select dates and then click export to CSV. This will give you a csv file of all your customers whom had a estimate for that duration selected along with most estimate info and contact info. This is great if you want to do export some of your data to get it into something like Mail Chimp or another email application.

  8. We added a option for Super Admins to be able to "Unbill" jobs on the close out jobs page.

  9. We have added a notification in the bell icon for any storage accounts that have a declined payment. This will better help your collection procedures.

  10. For the "Sales by Sales Rep" report we have added a option to pull report by "Move Date".

  11. For the "Add Time-Block" feature in the dispatch page we have added colors now that you can select that will make the entire time block that color for you. This will better help with organizing your schedule.

Bug Fixes

  1. Some customers were experiencing the "Booked by Move Date" report being off by a few jobs. This is fixed.

  2. Some storage accounts were experiencing when a payment was not made it would not roll-over the balance for the next month. This is fixed.

  3. Format was off on the workorder and estimate for the addresses that showed a extra space between the street address and the city, state and zip line. This is fixed.

  4. When viewing the emails tab within a customer profile and hovering over the opens and clicks it was not showing the popup with details. This is fixed.

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