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Sales Dashboard Overview
Sales Dashboard Overview

sales dashboard overview

James Simboli avatar
Written by James Simboli
Updated over 2 weeks ago

The Sales Dashboard is an easy way to see your normal dashboard and sales on a per branch basis. The normal Dashboard allows you to see information for all branches at a quick glance while the Sales Dashboard allows you to see this information for each individual branch.

  1. Branch Selection (RED): This allows you to select which branches you'd like the information to show for on the dashboard.

  2. Top Buttons (BLUE): These buttons will tell you how many leads came in today, how many jobs were booked today, how many moves you have for today, how many moves are booked for the month, the estimates that have not been booked, and the average value of each move for the month.

  3. Projection Graph (GREEN): This graph allows you to see your sales over a 24 month period. The figures produced for this graph are based on completed and close-out job within the software. This graph also tells you your projection for the next month based on previously completed job statistics. Additionally you can filter this to be based on the move date or the closed out date for the moves.

  4. Yearly Revenue (YELLOW): This area will show yearly statistics for jobs that were estimated, booked, completed, and canceled.

  5. Left Navigation Bar (PINK): This area is where you can navigate through different areas of the software(ex. Leads, Follow-Ups, Storage, Claims, Settings, etc.)

  1. Company Statistics (ORANGE): Daily Statistics, recent estimates completed for the company, and recent events created are shown here.

  2. My Statistics (Dark Green): (personal to each user) Each user will be able to see their personal statistics when they log in. Here they can see how many jobs they estimated, booked, etc. for that day, for the week, and monthly. They will also see recent estimates they personally did for the company, as well as recent events they logged.

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