Navigate to your dispatch page to move a job. The dispatch page can be accessed by clicking the Truck Icon on the top left of any page in MoveItPro.
On the Dispatch page you will see all jobs booked for the selected date. You can make any changes to this job's Time Slot or Truck by dragging and dropping the job across the screen.
Dragging VERTICALLY moves the job between TRUCKS.
Dragging HORIZONTALLY moves the job between TIME SLOTS.
The job pictured here is currently assigned to "Demo Truck 2". By dragging the blue box, you can assign it to another truck. Below it has been moved to "Demo Truck 1". The truck with the most recent changes will move to the top.
You can also move the job to a new time slot by dragging and dropping the job. Above, you can see the job is scheduled for 7:45 AM - 1:45 PM.
The job has now been moved to 3:15 PM - 9:15 PM.